John 4:23
“But the hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth; for the Father is seeking such to worship Him.”
True worship of God is not in the nature of man. Man always worships with an ulterior motive. Take for example the Jews. Before the first advent of the Messiah Jesus Christ, they worshiped in the temple based on the law set forth in the Torah. They were obeying God so that they wouldn’t come under any of the curse so basically it was self-preservation. They did not have within themselves the ability to honor, seek, and love God because of God Himself. Therefore, when the question of where exactly to worship came up, the Jews and the Samaritans would contend viciously for their own ideas because they both wanted to be “right.” This is the biggest indicator that they were in the flesh and self-seeking.
When Jesus made the above statement He was destroying a religion of works based on mandates that came to direct the lawless into righteous actions. He was alluding to the fact that His advent, death, and resurrection would allow the Spirit of the Living God to dwell inside the hearts of men so that they could truly worship God. They would, from then on, have an unction from the Holy One for it would be He who would now be in them both to will and to do for His good pleasure. Now they would worship from their spirit which would be joined with His Spirit- a new creation. Humans no longer worship IN a physical location, but IN their spirits and IN the truth of His Word- that He sent His son and that all who accept Him, He dwells in. There is now the abolition of self-seeking, self-righteous needs to act out of fear and a desire to be “right.”
A believer that has lived or does now live this side of the cross will be moved upon by the Spirit of the Living God to offer worship to the Holy One of Israel thus fulfilling the statement, “We love Him because He first loved us.” {1 John 4:19} For humans have no ability to love unless they are moved by God to do so.
Worship borne from love is now free to be expressed in a Church building of any denomination, a school playground, a prison cell, an office building, a car, a shower -or anywhere else a human might find himself because it is what is in the heart of the man that matters, not where the man is topographically.
Let your worship therefore spring forth…. Let yourself be the one whom the Father is seeking to worship Him!!!